Open up and say AHHHH
Three weeks ago, I had a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. As a child, I had strep about a bazillion times, and my tonsils have consistently been waging war on me since then. Not a month went by where I didn’t have a sore throat and I got fed up with it. So I decided to go visit my ENT (ear, nose and throat) doc.
Now, my ENT is cute. Really, really cute. Like Grey’s-Anatomy drool-worthy cute. So when he’s shoving a camera down my nose to see what my adenoids look like, it’s a little difficult to flirt with McFoxy. Adenoids are lymphatic tissue in the upper throat behind your nose and are present in most people as children. Typically, they gradually disappear as adulthood approaches. But I am not your typical gal. Oh no. My adenoids took up 50% of my breathing space. FIFTY PERCENT. I was hardly getting any oxygen while I slept. No wonder I was such a big fan of napping. So out the adenoids go, too.
I scheduled my surgery with McFoxy and my parents drive in to the“I’m in law school, if that answers your question,” I say. Well, apparently those who are heavy drinkers do not respond to general anesthesia very well. They had to give me extra anesthesia to get me to go under. Come to think of it, I do remember asking the scrub nurses questions about the surgical tools and their look of surprise when I was chatting them up.
McFoxy’s parting words: “Good luck with the bar exam, and try to lighten up on the booze, Missy.”
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