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Monday, February 16, 2009

Third Time's the Charm

"I have been a song man for a long, long time.
Coming up with some melodies...trying to find some words to rhyme."
~H. Chapin

I was serenaded three times last week. I am such a lucky, lucky girl.

Serenade #1: Monday

On the phone with Bill, an attorney that I referred a case to recently.

Me: Hi Bill. Christian called with a question, so could you give him a call?
Bill: Mmmhmmm, sure! Sister Christian, oh the time has cooooome. And you know that you're the only one to sayyyyyy, O.K.
Me: Hmmm, what?
Bill: I was serenading you!
Me: Oh. Um. Thanks. I haven't been serenaded in awhile.
Bill: It will help you with your Manic Mondayyy!
Me: (Nervous laughter)....uh yes? I do have a bit of the case of the Mondays.
Bill: Normally I just walk around with my boombox over my head like John Cusack.
Me: (more nervous laughter)
Bill: Hey! I was in the office last week did you see me?
Me: Uhhh. No....
Bill: You didn't see the hot guy walking around your office last Thursday?
Me: Sorry, I didn't.
Bill: Too is life treating you?
Me: Um, fine. So you're going to take care of Christian, right?
Bill: 10-4!

Serenade #2: Tuesday

Again, on the phone with Bill.

Me: Hi Bill.
Bill: More, more, morrrrre! How do you like it? How do you like it?
Me: I'm sorry?
Bill: I'm listening to a random CD I bought. It's awesome. Just like Alice Cooper said on SNL...(have no idea what he said here as my head was in my hands)
Me: Hey, do you listen to Pandora?
Bill: What?
Me: Do you have speakers attached to your computer? Go to It's self-explanatory. (Am hoping that this will get his singing out of his system...)
Bill: You kids and your fancy internet.

Serenade #3: Saturday

I went to see a friend perform comedy at a local theater. One of the performers asked me to come up on stage so that he could sing to me, as I looked like the girl he wrote the song about.

The subject of the song? Premature ejaculation.



Blogger macandchen said...

Wow! Now that's funny! The first 2 serenades are kind of scary actually, it looks like attorneys are even crazier than engineers after all :)

2/19/2009 7:53 AM  
Blogger KULA said...

I was laughing about the story, until I read that last story. EW!

Damn crazy attorneys! I wonder what the crazy factor is when you're both an attorney AND an engineer?

3/05/2009 11:05 AM  

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